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Welcome to InterActive

For over five years InterActive has offered a convenient way to register non-commercial software. The service continues to expand and currently supports over 50 non-commercial titles from 23 different authors. They all deserve your support and feedback so if you're regularly using any of the software in these pages please register - there's usually some added incentive: These pages are created and maintained using Crystal Atari Browser (CAB) and Everest - both InterActive supported products. If you're running CAB in any 16 colour resolution make sure you have Greyscale in the Display dialog... Ah, that's much better eh?

Here's a selection of InterActive supported software...

Kandinsky 2in1 GFA Everest Egale CAB GFView OCR Look'n See ToDo TurboBlanker JML-Snap GEMTrek DiskCake ST-Guide

Recognise any of these? Click or select Software for complete list...

FTP download access

All the InterActive supported software can be ftped to your machine from the Dryden Brown server by clicking on the Download buttons.

Alternatively, using suitable ftp software, you can access the Dryden Brown server directly at:


Login as 'ftp' and enter your email address as password. The InterActive files are all stashed in the path: /pub/atari/interactive/

Atari Computing Convention 1998 (ACC '98)

Atari Computing is a printed magazine for all Atari enthusiasts. Help support the magazine by adding your favourite Atari Computing button to your own web pages!

Atari WebRing Imagemap

Pages last updated: 29th July 1998
InterActive registrations now over 2200!
Please report any problems, comments etc to me by email: jconnor@cix.compulink.co.uk

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