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Three utilities for use with GFA-BASIC

GFA Patch

This utility patches the GFA-BASIC 3.x interpreter and compiler. The following changes are made...
GFA Compiler: GFA Interpreter: GFA Patch is recommended for use with A'la Card

GFA FlyDials

These shareware routines, maintained by Gregor Duchalski, adds features not normally available in GFA-BASIC. If you fancy pop-up menus, circular buttons, modal window dialogs, colour icons and flying alert boxes in your applications now's your chance!
Also includes 3D support and Interface support and is compatible with Fly and MyDials. The in-line code overhead is less than 2Kb so what are you waiting for! [German docs]

GFA Shell

GFA Shell is a full GEM application which provides an easy working environment for anyone working with GFA-BASIC. The Compiler and Linker output is directed to a GEM window and project data files are used. GFA-Shell is resolution independent but infortunately still all in German until demand makes it worth translating!

Other reading

Please email jconnor@cix.compulink.co.uk details of any reviews etc. I've missed!

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