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[CAB icon] [CAB Free now icon!] Crystal Atari Browser (CAB) v1.5

CAB is an internet browser developed by Alexander Clauss for the TOS (Atari) platform. Current CAB releases are now commercial products distributed by Application Systems Heidelberg (ASH) in Germany. For more details contact ASH or visit their website at: http://members.aol.com/ashinfo/

CAB v1.5 remains available as an entry level freeware release. CAB v1.5 meets the HTML 2.0 specification and supports many draft HTML 3.x and NetScape enhancements. Amazingly CAB can be run from floppy on an Atari ST with 1Mb memory or more - try running Micosoft Explorer or Netscape on a 296 PC!


Alexander is on the right with Goetz Hoffart (centre) and Thomas Much on the left.

System requirements

CAB can run on any TOS (Atari) compatible computer with 1Mb or more memory. The exact memory requirements to display images depends on the colour depth. The greater the colour depth the more memory required, i.e running in TrueColor gobbles up more memory than running in monochrome. Please note:

These web pages are developed and maintained using CAB with Everest running in parallel under MagiC. OLGA is used to enable files saved in Everest to be automatically updated and redisplayed in CAB. Together these provide a simple but effective web authoring setup.

Browsing using CAB on-line

Apart from CAB you'll need:

Registration benefits include:

CAB is a truly international application with English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Swedish resource files (RSC) with documentation and ST-Guide hypertext help in an increasing number of languages.

Other reading

Please email jconnor@cix.co.uk details of any reviews etc. I've missed!

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