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Christoph Bartholme

Atari software projects...

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IdeaList tools

[GDOS-Check main page] GDOS-Check

BLINEX (Blank LINes EXtractor) is a tiny tool for ASCII files which optionally:

IdeaBook imports text files (ASCII or Wordplus) and can output the pages so they can be folded in half and stapled or bound together into a booklet. Optionally headers and/or footers can be added to each page.

IdeaForm makes source code listings easier to read by emphasising comments and key words with text attributes (bold, light, italic, underlined). These are produced by escape codes inserted into output files written by IdeaForm. The files produced can be output via IdeaList, which translates the escape codes into the control codes used by various printers.

Other software

(Included on registered user master disk)
A replace system font (8*16 pixels) which includes graphics characters in place of the Hebrew letters and a differentiation between ASCII 0 and ASCII 32 (Space). ChicFont runs from the Auto folder or by double clicking CHICFONT.PRG from the desktop. Uses less than 5Kb or memory.

Ever been annoyed by messages from Auto folder programs and TOS and TTP programs which scroll off the screen or dissappear immediately when a program ends?
Hold_it freezes the system if the [Shift], [Control] or [Alternate] key is held down and allows you to read those pesky messages!
Hold_it can be run from the desktop but early in the Auto folder will allow Auto folder messages to be read...

Small TTP program for DMA equipped machines (STe, MegaSTe, TT, Falcon) capable of playing WAV format sound files at the correct speed.

Email: Christoph_Bartholme@ka.maus.de
Note! The maus net has the following limits:
No emails larger than 16Kb, 48Kb per day limit

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