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News updated on June 19th, 2001

MyMail 1.40 in French !

The files mymail.rsc, help.dat and menu.dat are translated in Molière's language ;-).

Bulles de Cab 2.8 !

As a few persons asked me for this, I (Pascal) have adjusted the bubble help of Cab 2.8 (and its modules) to suit the French version distributed by Europe Shareware.

Newton 0.991 beta!

Update of Newton, the graphic calculator. Link to archive updated by Didier.

Family Tree 3!

New version 3 of Family Tree. Link to French archive has been updated by Didier.

GemTrade in French again !

The link on our site was dead. The files are now localy stored on TA. As a bonus, the French rsc for the version 3.0 is available: thanx Didier :-).

MyMail 1.31 in French !

The files mymail.rsc, help.dat and menu.dat are translated.

The HTML doc of MyMail 1.24 in French !

Bruno Aubin has translated the HTML doc of MyMail: great job !

CAB 2.8 translated to spanish !

Luis Manuel Asensio Royo has translated in spanish RSC file of CAB.

MyMail 1.24 in French !

Mymail.rsc and help.dat updated.

IdeaList 3.961 translated to english !

IdeaList now is freeware and is also available in german !

ST CAD 1.63 translated to dutch !

RSC/BUB files are translated in dutch and are also available in french, german and polish.

aICQ 0.146 translated to french !

Sylvain Perchaud has translated in french RSC file of aICQ.

aFTP 1.55b translated to french !

Pascal Ricard has translated in french RSC file of aFTP.

MagiC 6.10 translated to french !

Pascal Ricard has made a good perform to translate in french the last operating system of ASH.

MyMail 1.17 translated to french !

Pascal Ricard has translated in french RSC file and help of MyMail.

Magic.ram of MagiC 6.10 translated to french !

Stéphane Perez has made a patch to translate magic.ram.

TosWin2 2.6 translated to french !

Ulrich Kaiser has translated in french RSC file of TosWin2.

CDLab 0.40 translated to spanish !

In addition to the file RSC, also Luis Manuel Asensio Royo has translated files MESSAGES.DAT, FILE_ID.DIZ, and incorporated a small file like glossary.

Resource Master 3.10 translated to spanish !

This resources editor translated in spanish by Luis Manuel Asensio Royo.

Vision documentation translated to english

The documentation of the bitmap drawing software is now available in english.

N AES 2.0 translated to dutch

The latest release of the commercial AES for MiNT is now available in dutch.

CD-Player v1.4a HYP translated into English by Carl Turner

The program provides nearly all the functions of a normal audio CD player.
It manages as well a small database where full details of CD tracks are entered after which the inserted CD can be identified and the title of the CD and group displayed.
Complete tracks and/or sections of track(s) can be copied onto a hard drive.

go to Carl's page now!

CD-Labeller HYP and script (SIC) file translated into English by Carl Turner

CD Labeler is a simple script for ASH Scripter (or similar) to help construct labels for your own CD's using Artworx.

go to Carl's page now!

Start-Me-Up (SMU) version 8 HYP file translated into English by Carl Turner

SMU, programmed by Thomas Much, is a 'Windows95' style start button which can be used on the Atari.
Version 8 of SMU understands GEMScript commands, and when using programs that understand the Document History Protocol, SMU places the last 15 dealt-with files in SMU.

go to Carl's page now!

HierBinIch (Here I Am) Document translated into English by Carl Turner

This program helps, to find the mouse pointer again, if on a large monitor between a lot of windows, icons and other objects the mouse pointer is lost.
The program is uses BubbleGEM to point out where the pointer is, by displaying a speech bubble.

go to Carl's page now!

Moutain translated into English by Didier Briel

The best video editing suite from Rémi Vanel is now available in English.
The affordable "Adobe Premiere" only on Atari...

go to Rémi's page now!

SuJi 1.35 translated into English by Peter West

The small cute research tool from Daniel Höpfl, SuJi, is now available in English thanks to Peter.
SuJi can be used as a replacement of the standard MagiC "find" option, many parameters for a clever research.

go to Daniel's page now !

RSC_TRAN v1.01

Vassilis Papathanassiou gratify us of a small cute utility for RSCs translators very simple to use. RSC_TRAN is a very tiny GTP application (only 7 Ko) wich transforms RSC files in .TXT (ASCII files), a simple drag & drop of a RSC on the GTP and a TXT is produced :-)

Better still it works the 2 ways and reckognize RUF and ENG files from Ruftrade and Gemtrade, you only have to drop the translated (by yourself) TXT file or produced RUF or ENG on the GTP and the RSC is created: great !

go to Vassilis's page now !

InterActive now closed

The InterActive shareware registration scheme finally closed for business on May 30th 1999. The InterActive webpages have been replaced by the TransAction web pages but you still browse the original InterActive web pages which remain online as a handy reference source.

InterActive achievements recognised

InterActive was voted the "Best non-profit making Atari organisation of 1998" by the Atari Times disk magazine. Click on the button if you'd like to visit the Atari Times webpages and read about the other award winners.

Atari Times Award
