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[Currency Converter icon]

Currency Converter

Currency Converter is a utility to convert between any two currencies. The conversion rates need to be "localised" to set-up your currency as the "home currency" because the conversion rates for other currencies depend on this.

[Currency Convertor main window]

Currency Converter can only ever be used as a rough guide because currency rates fluctuate constantly (I'm sure you knew that but thought I'd better mention it anyway). Using Teletext or the internet it's easy to keep track of the currencies you're interested in.

In addition to editing existing currencies new ones can easily be added and it's also possible add new icons to the standard colour icon RSC file using Interface or ResourceMaster.

Once set up CC can automatically add or subtract VAT/Sales tax and the results can be pasted directly into your word processor, spreadsheet or other GEM application via Drag&Drop and the AV protocol. ST-Guide format hypertext documentation and BubbleGEM help is provided.

Other reading

Please email jconnor@cix.compulink.co.uk details of any reviews etc. I've missed!

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