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[BubbleGEM icon] BubbleGEM

[BubbleGEM screenshot 7K]

BubbleGEM is a Freeware utility which programmed by Thomas_Much which adds speech bubble help to supporting applications under MagiC, MultiTOS, N.AES, Geneva and TOS (renamed as a desktop accessory).

Modern GEM applications often include a bewildering array of options and icons which do take time to learn. Even after learning a program interface a few weeks away from the keyboard can trigger amnesia!

The solution?

BubbleGEM! By supporting this cute little program, programmers can add speech bubble help to their user interface making it much easier for users to find their way around.

Bubble text can be displayed using proportional and non-proportional fonts and the bubble contents can be copied to the clipboard. The ST-Guide hypertext documentation includes programming examples.

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Please email jconnor@cix.co.uk details of any reviews etc. I've missed!

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