Look'n See modules
Dirk Haun has recently released some updated Look'n See modules and thanks to Peter West of the TransAction crew English translations of various new and updated modules for Look'n See are now available.All the updated modules along with a revised and updated English ST-Guide format documentation to take account of these modules is included in this distribution.
There are ten updated modules, BRIGHTEN, NOBORDER, PS2TXT, REFLECT, SHOWSND, SOUNDEXP, STG2ASC, TARGAEXP, TSWS, XIMG and thirteen new modules which offer the following features:
- A2PS: Converts ASCII text to Postscript files
- AMIPRO: Imports AmiPro format text, graphics, text attributes and so on are lost
- ASCEXP: Exports text to ASCII file with LF/CR options
- CFG2HEX: Converts 1st Word/Plus CFG files back to commented HEX source files
- CTL: Exports ASCII list of telephone numbers from CoNnect CTL files
- HEXPORT: Converts Look'n See hex dump displays into C or Assembler source text (requires Look'n See 0.97Beta)
- HTML: Extracts ASCII from HTML documents, formatting is lost
- JPEG6: Supports v6a JPEGS, can load progressive JPEGs, extra options
- MAN: Strips backspace characters (ASCII 8) from MAN pages
- PETRA: Plays sound samples via Petra sample player if installed
- SUN: Imports uncompressed 8 bits/pixel Sun raster files
- WORD5: Import Word 5 format text, graphics, text attributes and so on are lost
- XIMGPACK: Exports images, or marked blocks, in the XIMG (colour) or IMG (mono) formats
Email: Dirk_Haun@wi2.maus.de
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Dirk Haun
Europastr. 8
64569 Nauheim
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